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She/Her | Adult ATINY | 8M1T
🗺️ languages
+ (fluent) KOR ENG RUS
+ (struggling) JPN
+ my native language
I only stan ATEEZ
ㄴ bias: WOOYOUNG, but 8M1T
ㄴ since 2022.09.01
This is my personal account.
ㄴ I usually post updates about WOOYOUNG.
ㄴ Translation about WOOYOUNG
ㄴ ATEEZ Info. (you can check pinned post on twt)
ㄴ personal things under 🍋🌳 emoji
________(about translations)
I am subscribed to
ㄴ WY's POP 🫧
ㄴ WY's fromm 📮
ㄴ ATEEZ's membership
❕All translations I post ARE translated by ME.
ㄴ please if you find any mistake feel free to contact me, KOR and ENG aren't my native languagesㅠ
________I know a lot about: 📝
ㄴ photography/videography
ㄴ Japanese animation
ㄴ sea creatures, mostly whales
ㄴ flowers
💬 You can send request/message anonymously using SpinSpin
ㄴ https://spinspin.net/lemmonnamu
🌼 I don't have ATINY friends so feel free to send me DM.________for easy search you can use search bar on twt profile
ㄴ key word or emoji
📮 WY's fromm translation
🫧 WY's POP live + translation
📼 WY's video collection
🗂️ Random INFO
📻 Radio
📺 TV appearance
🎫 Concert
📰 Magazine/News
🏆 Achievement
🏷️ Mentions
🧵 Thread
💌 JP blog (these days only WY)
🪐 Universe
❤️☕ Daum cafe